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PES 2017 Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch (116 by ErickTuts)

Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch

This is a NEW Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch for the PES 2017 game. First what is Tattoos Pack ? Simply it is most of the real players’ Tattoos combined in one single file (cpk) to be added in PES game. This PES 2017 Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch is compatible with PTE Patch 3.0 and 3.1. This Tattoos Pack is made by “ErickTuts”, and it has 116 Tattoos for 116 Players.

Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch (PES 2017)

The Tattoos Pack 116 by “Eric Tuts” is the best Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch i found for the PES 2017. These are the details and features about it:

PS: If it crashes on some cut-scenes in Master League then make sure to replace the “Dpfile.bin” and “Edit00000” files. I will show how to backup those 2 files in the tutorial video below. After skipping that cut-scene you can add again the Tattoos Pack by replacing the new files after you backup them of course.

Download Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch

First you need to download the DpfileList Generator 1.8 DLC v 2 from this Download Link  . If the DpfileList program shows errors later then you have to download both these updates and install them:

To download this Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch for PES 2017, you need one link (270 MB). Just click on the download link below, then wait 5 seconds and click on “Skip Ad”. Then it will redirect you just do the same and you will find the “Mega” download link.

Just close any “Pop-up” windows that may open when redirecting to link. They are just advertisements so don’t worry. I scanned the Tattoos Pack by EricTuts file and it is safe from viruses.

PS:  If you can’t access Adfly or Mega links, read my article here: How to Unblock and Fix Adfly and Mega.

Install Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch

It is the same method for PTE Patch 3.0 and 3.1, simply because both PTE Patch 3.0 and 3.1 has the same Data pack 2 (DLC2) included. You can not use Tattoos for the Online mode, simply because if you add it for the Online Mode then you can not connect to PES servers or join opponents.

I made a tutorial video as usual to show you guys step by step how to install this Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch for PES 2017. So all you need to do is just watch carefully this video below:

This is “EricTuts” Tutorial Video in Spanish language for those who understand Spanish:

Some Players have long “Sleeves” or hands of shirt, so the Tattoos will not show in match. To fix this, you need to go to “Stadiums” in the Menu before starting a match, then change season to “Summer”.

For Messi Tattoo and some other Players, check this video by “EricTuts”: . You will find download link and Password in the Description under that video.


Del Choc, PTE Team, ErickTuts, Baris, Jenkey (PES File Explorer) sxsxsx (CPK File Manager), Konami, Fruits.

– ErickTuts YouTube Channel

– PTE Patch Website

Finally special thanks to “ErickTuts” for his great efforts to release this amazing Tattoos Pack for PTE Patch. For me this is the BEST Tattoos Pack so far for the PES 2017 game. Just try it yourself and let me know in comments below your opinion about it.

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