Add Subtitles to Movie or TV Show

Add Subtitle to Movie or TV Show

To add subtitles to Movie or TV show is a very easy task to do. It just requires a Video Player that has the option to add subtitles. Also you need to download the Subtitle file (srt) to add it on the video.

Compatible Video Player

First you need a compatible Video Player with Subtitles. The best 2 Video players that has the option to add Subtitles to Movie or TV show are: Media Player Classic (MPC) and VLC.

These are the Download Links if you don’t have them:

Personally i like more the MPC because it is faster to load and has better quality of video. But it doesn’t have a Mac version. So if you have the Mac system then you need to download the VLC to add Subtitles to Movie or TV show.

Add Subtitles to Movie or TV show

Add Subtitles to Movie or TV Show
Add Subtitles to Movie or TV Show

I will show you now how to add subtitles to Movie or TV Show in the language you want. First you need to download the Subtitle of your preferable language from this Website .

You need to download the appropriate subtitle according to the Movie or TV Show format (Brip, HDrip, Xvideo, Bluray..). It is very important to download the same format of Subtitle and Movie or TV show. If they are not the same format then you will have wrong timed subtitles.

After downloading the Subtitle file, you need to extract it and then drag it to the video. Follow my YouTube Tutorial video below for step by step instructions:

For Arabic subtitles you need to do some settings inside the MPC program so that it can read the Arabic letters correctly. To fix that just follow my steps below:

  • Open the MPC program and Click on “View” in the top bar.
  • Click on “options” .
  • Click on the Arrow next to “Subtitles”.
  • Click on “Default Style”.
  • Click in Languages bar (just under Font).
  • Search for Arabic (178) and Select it.
  • Click on “Apply” then Click “Ok” to save.
  • Restart your MPC browser and add again the Arabic subtitle.

That was the easiest way to add subtitles to Movie or TV show so that you can understand better the movie or TV show in your preferable language. It is almost the same method for VLC video player.

If you have any question just feel free to ask me in comment section below this article. Please share this Article with your friends to help them and to help me as well and thanks.

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